Bhakti Yoga (Love for God)


I experiment with different things frequently. Trying to understand different logic, faith, people, culture, I talk to strangers and practice queer activities. Here, I have a brief thought about Krsna Consciousness, which I learnt, primarily from ISKCON.

When you take on bhakti, you are constantly thinking of the supreme. Krsna was all over my mind, in every one of my activities. My mind was untroubled. Through mantras, I could feel the transcendental quality, that's out of this materialistic world.

Life comes from life, Krsna The Supreme Personality of Godhead, Diary of a travelling monk, The Glorious Life of Srila Narottama Dasa Thakura are some books that replaced my futile habits of watching television, using social media, overthinking. Rather, I experienced the Divine through its and its disciple's incredible pastimes. There were no worries as I knew I was doing the best of things while serving the Supreme. I feel my body, mind and energies engaged in most profound way and there was nothing void in me. Absolutely, a great moment of self realization.

As per me, one of the major reasons, why people engage in spirituality is because of the joy they get out of devotion. Certainly, I have felt that magic while succeeding in many activities of studies and games. However, the kirtans and submission that we show towards the Supreme brings us constantly in contact with that nectar.

Nevertheless, I know it's just a drop of ecstasy of the ocean of eternal spiritual enlightenment and I look forward to getting more blissed by giving more pleasure to Lord.

Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare
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