Sometimes, something occurs in my mind and I write it down. Most of the times, the writings are just torn away or lost but at times, I find them hidden somewhere. Here, I present you with one of my hidden treasures, which when I look back, find amusing.

Dear Love,
A long time back, in my grade eight, when the day was at its noon, I was observing you walking down the stairs and at the same time, my astronaut friend poked me and said that it would take a lot get to the moon. “Yeah!” , I answered. Still, I remember those days, when I was too cold for everyone, couldn’t even dare to face you. Television was so dear to me, sleep was so pure to me and failure was so sure to me, in short, a useless fellow!

Uh, we started talking only in the ninth grade when we were thrown into the same classroom but this time I wasn’t scared and that’s a different story altogether. Most of my notorious friends were in a separate class and I had to grow a new bunch of friends. Wow ! I was able to present myself as a calm, studious and honest person. Obviously, through small talks, sharing water bottles, classroom activities our relation wouldn’t blossom but I couldn’t think so. There wasn’t any awkwardness looking at your face and smiling. It was only in class ten when I realized, my mentality, personality and compatibility had changed entirely. The individual had learned to direct his energies. Our companionship was getting stronger and we were seeking for a prolonged friendship. 

I couldn’t resist looking at you from the corners of my eyes when you just pulled back your hair. Yes, from the corners because I suspected if you would take me as a jerk. Couldn’t hear your low voice over a distance but that softness and compassion took it all over. The smile you threw out was just so lively and your eyes made me feel even better. This harmony was taking me with it.

Right when I would see some future for us, we diverted our ways after grade ten and things started altering. Though our texts lasted for a long time, I always wanted to meet you but couldn’t give you a reason. Your photos, talks, video calls everything began appearing even cuter to me. Why would I get unstable and lost at times? Lately, I understood, I was already in love with you.

When I would judge myself for alluring qualities, the list was blank. Possibly, studies, I tried it copiously bringing physics into my blood and mathematics into my soul but wasn’t satisfied. Tested my hands on several competitions but only to land with certificate of participation. I can recall now, a loser. Certainly, this had some side effects. As a result, in grade twelve, I received silver, bronze and gold in different aspects and began seeing tremendous number of opportunities ahead of me, of course, to be a geek. A fair progress, right?

Not at all. I feel unfulfilled. What about good looks? Yeah, a bit of long hair and the sense of fashion. Oops! That got into my head a bit late. Additionally, neither can I play an instrument nor can show off dance moves. No way will my dilute sense of humor impress you. However, I am transforming day by day and taking your charming character as my ambition always boosts my confidence to grasp it all.

Dear, only a psychopath would like someone dearly for another two years without getting a glance. Your presence has been crucial in my life and maybe someday, I would grow into that one but couldn’t tell when. My heart shouts out for tomorrow noon but nah, its unlikely to happen any soon.

All yours,

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