It's a fiction that I wrote a long time back. Actually, I am digitalizing my childhood creations.             

Way through Fifty Years

 Life brings us wonders. Success is not for granted. Today, the unexpected title won by a friend of   mine, whom I never saw in the last 50 years left me thinking.

I remember, the days in our school.  The time when Bibit used to sing out loud in the class, disturbing teachers when they teach and bunk classes as his regular routine! Further, neither he concentrated on studies nor he took his future seriously. Never expected him to do anything big. Nothing new was it to see him fail in terminal exams.

Today, fifty years from class 11, I see him getting the Oscar award. Surprising, right? Really, unusual for me to hear that he received it for contributing to the modern Nepalese music industry. Till then, I wasn’t cautious about the industry but today, when I saw him in such a big event, he left me surprised.

Bibit somehow passed the board exams with G.P.A. 2.0. Last time I saw him, he was scolded hard by his dissatisfied parents on the result day. We hadn’t met till awards ceremony. He told me that all that changed him was the breakup with his girlfriend. Their families didn’t accept their relation. Girl’s parents didn’t think him capable of anything. With no job in hand, how could he expect to have a happy married life?  Hearing himself as a black spot to the family’s name and fame was a grievous wound for Bibit.

Expressing his sorrows, BibIt used to compose songs. As per him, the enthusiasm for music gave him relief. Uploading his recordings on Facebook, he tried to minimize his anxiety. One after another, his recordings were being liked and shared. In due time, his songs were heard and loved by a popular music producers. Everest studio offered the broken heart an opportunity to record an album. When his voice reached to more people, his fan base started to grow big. Within a year, he had already recorded 7 songs and was with five million subscribers on Youtube, more than any Nepalese Youtuber of that time. Keeping his hard labor, he gave hundred hits in just thirteen years. By that time, he carried a huge fame and was known worldwide.

By this day, I find Bibit as a motivation for many people. If we compare the ambitious Bibit today and the wrecked one a long time back, there is a significant difference. No doubts, he is a beautiful flower grown via dirt.
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