Wow !
The GEIST'S book with write ups of Professors, teachers and students from 20+ countries also had a short one by me.
Honestly, I wrote it in a little hurry but seeing my creation as a printout truly carries the happiness.🙂

Frankly, I feel really lucky being notified of the opportunity from Baman Ghimire sir.

Student’s Diary of Nepal

I often wonder if the education I have can make me compete in the international level. As designed, studying eight periods a day (each of 45 minutes) and six days a week, I had to feel to have filled a lot of space in my mind. But, often we face the obstacles. At school, teachers teach a lot more than students can accommodate in a day with a fear of not completing the syllabus on time. Though the curriculum is designed for a year, we need to complete it in a period of little more than half a year as studying days could be obstructed by many holidays along with political strikes. With those bulky books on my back and a noble uniform, I reach the school to study all the knowledge of which I seldom get a practical application with teachers accepting this all as the way they had studied and the way we should.

Lacking enough choices for subjects in high school, I got enrolled for Biology which I am leaving next year for Mathematics wondering if I am ever dissecting the earthworm again! Don’t take me as a pessimist, there are some kind words for our system too. Long vacations are worth. However, I wonder how my private school fees has been so high even for the month of no studies. The bill includes transportation, lunch, school fees and every other expenditure which no one would utilize during the vacations.

Pleasurable are those days of Cultural Meet, Quiz contests, Science fairs and sport tournaments. Recreation and co-curricular opportunities could have been plenty and much more of an excellence only if studies would not feel as a burden.

In spite of having problems, now-a-days, I find teachers and students demanding the innovation to discontinue the cycle of boredom and regret from studies. In my school, the initiation of online courses, field visits, participation in online writing competitions have been of a value rather the books. Recently, at national level, the curriculum was updated after ten years as the constitution was formulated but the unpopular education ministry has empowered many of my pals with the ability to bet you that it’ll be the same until a new government.

- Saugat Baral
- Motherland Secondary School, Nepal




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